Friday, May 1, 2009


For those in my age range and younger, we’ve been living with the 24-hour news cycle all of our adult live. Those born after the launch of CNN know nothing else. That’s why I’m amazed at the buzz surrounding this “new and dangerous” strain of the flu virus. The regular old standard issue flu kills thousands of people directly and indirectly in the US every year. So far, this version has killed the astronomical figure of exactly 1 person here in the States.

I’m not saying that taking precautions like washing your hands and covering your nose when you sneeze is a bad idea… but it’s also common sense stuff that we should all be doing anyway. So before the Homeland Security threat level gets increased to Mayhem and Panic, take some time and think about all that ways that we’re all more likely to be killed than by the swine flu. Yeah, that should make us all feel better.

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