Thursday, August 20, 2009


I've never been one to subscribe to the "simple man with simple dreams" nonsense. I've lived with myself long enough to know better than that. Life is too complex to be distilled down to something as simple as a white picket fence... Or in my case a Berlin-esq wall patrolled by Blackwater. It's got to be more complicated than that, right? It's not that I object to simple, though... Just that if it's so simple a caveman can do it I've never seen the point in wasting time with it.

At the moment, though, I'm starting to think that simple is what I need for a while. My thoughts turn to hopping a flight to somewhere with sandy beaches and a rum economy. Or better yet, to morning espresso on a Florentine piazza. In any case, there's something appealing about just picking up and going. All the old classic signs are there that it's time to take a break... Now it's just a question of finding the time to make that happen. Looking at the calendar between now and the end of the year is not hartening. Knowing what I need is simple as pulling out a map and throwing a dart... Trying to figure out how to get there, now that's hard.

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