Thursday, December 24, 2009

All about Eve...

Traveling with dogs is always an adventure. Watching southern dogs try to come to terms with snow is really something you need to see in person to fully appreciate, though. I'm happy to report that this Christmas Eve hasn't been too traumatic for either the dogs or for my mother this year. In fact, I think she's starting to warm to them a bit as this year they've even been allowed into the living room. That's a real upgrade from last year's banishment to the kitchen for the duration of the trip. I, of course, am on pins and needles hoping they don't leave a Christmas surprise to be discovered later. That would surely send us back to square one. At the moment, there's a fire in the fireplace, the dogs are curled up at my feet, and mother hasn't threatened to toss the whole lot of us to the basement. So far so good.

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