Monday, November 24, 2008

Use or lose...

In the current economic climate, there are all sorts of glorious things about being in the employ of Uncle Sam. At the moment, though, my favorite perk is the concept of use-or-lose leave. How can you not enjoy working for an outfit that essentially forces you to take vacation before the end of the year. So here I am sitting in Western Maryland with nothing but free time on my hands enjoying the first of two weeks of use or lose between now and the end of the year. At the moment, I’m planning on wandering back in to the office some time on or about next Tuesday. Between traveling for work and taking some vacation time, I’ll have been gone for a month. I vaguely remember that I have a job at this point. It’s not quite the white sand beaches and rum-based economy I was planning on for my next vacation, but it’s definitely been nice getting away for a while. And if you’re in the WMD between now and Wednesday, look me up and say hello.

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